more2life Tailored Choice Enhanced Lifetime Mortgage

More2life’s Enhanced Lifetime Mortgage Plan is the more innovative impaired equity release plan, following the footsteps of Aviva & Partnership’s ill-health plans.
Enhanced equity release schemes aim to offer those with a poor health record the advantage of possibly obtaining a greater tax-free lump sum than normally offered on a standard lifetime mortgage.
More2life has taken enhanced mortgage development one step further by offering extra flexibility. This added flexibility provides future cash benefits via a drawdown facility and inheritance protection option.
This unique enhanced drawdown plan provides security for those who wish to maintain a large cash reserve facility through retirement, over & above that provided by standard drawdown schemes.
more2life is funded by enhanced mortgage provider – Partnership with all administration managed by Key Retirement Solutions.
*TOP TIP: use health enhancements to ‘future proof’ your maximum drawdown facility in order to support your retirement years
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About the more2life enhanced lifetime mortgage scheme
The more2life impaired life equity release scheme uses the expertise and funding from another lifetime mortgage provider – Partnership. The more2life plan usually offers the maximum release possible based on age, property value, sex and health criteria.
More2life have features which cumulatively provide one of the more comprehensive & flexible plans in the enhanced equity release market:-
- Inheritance Protection Option – protection for your nearest & dearest. Here more2life have the option of being able to protect part of the final sale value of your property. This protected equity guarantee option allows a fixed percentage of your home’s value to be ring fenced for the benefit of your beneficiaries.
- Drawdown Facility – when the whole amount of release is not required initially, it may be prudent to only take a smaller initial amount. This would then mean you pay less interest over the long term, as the balance starts lower. Starting from a lower level, means the compounding of the interest takes off slower than if the full lump sum was taken upfront. Whenever further funds are required in the future, a simple letter or phone call is all that’s needed to more2life & funds can then be sent immediately to your bank account.
The ‘enhancement’ from more2life offers an additional lump sum amount to standard equity release rates. The difference here being a history the ill-health. This enables people over 55 to raise the maximum tax-free cash available, if normal equity release schemes cannot provide sufficient funds.
More2life Key Features
- Plans start from age 55
- Rates starting from 6.78% fixed for life
- Minimum Loan – £10,000
- Minimum property value allowed is £70,000
- Eligible to homeowners in England, Scotland & Wales
- Inheritance Protection option (secures a percentage of your home)
Examples Of How More2life’s Tax Free Cash Can Make All The Difference
These enhanced lifetime mortgage schemes have been specifically designed for those people with poor health & may therefore have their life expectancy shortened. Actuarially, the equity release providers can therefore afford to give a larger upfront amount, knowing the plan statistically won’t have a long to run.
The reasons therefore leading to why clients need the largest equity release possible centre around health issues and needing to resolve their financial affairs as soon as possible:-
- Settle loans, credit cards, HP or even interest only mortgages at retirement
- Go a long awaited cruises or dream vacations they always wanted to
- Where clients have no beneficiaries to be concerned about and no desire to leave an inheritance
- To pay for home improvements for medical or physical reasons
- To help move house as equity release schemes can assist with a new house purchase
More2life’s Enhanced Equity Release Plan
To check whether your health qualifies for an enhanced lifetime mortgage plan, please call freephone 0800 678 5469.
Alternatively, complete the find an adviser request form opposite, or send us a completed contact form by clicking here.
Due to the complexities of these ensure you speak to an independent equity release specialist with the appropriate qualifications and experience to get the best more2life rates & deals.
These are lifetime mortgage plans. To understand the features and risks of enhanced lifetime mortgage schemes, please ask for a personalised illustration.