Tag Archives: Equity Release Companies
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Which Equity Release Companies Offer Enhanced Lifetime Mortgage Plans?

If and when you consider an enhanced lifetime mortgage plan then knowing which companies offer such products based on life expectancy will help you to make an informed decision on which provider to approach. Aviva Aviva is a household name that offers enhanced lifetime mortgages based on your life expectancy and the value of your […]

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Which Equity Release Companies Will Take Health into Account?

The four main companies that will take health into account when assessing you for your equity release plan are: Aviva more2life Partnership Just Retirement. These four equity release companies have extensive experience when it comes to enhanced lifetime mortgages and were the first companies who offered enhanced annuities to retired people. Using the data from […]

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Use Comparison Tables to Compare Enhanced Plans

If you’re aware of Enhanced Plans which will bring you increased rates due to ill-health, you will want to ensure that you’re getting the best enhanced plan around. This money is to last you for the rest of your life and if you have been relying on your home to provide with your pension once […]

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